Frankie Cadillac Gin


Frankie Cadillac Gin


A modern contemporary style gin that has been carefully crafted to create the perfect Negroni. The Frankie Cadillac Gin is a collaboration between Frankie Cadillac, a Surry Hills superstar, and Banks & Solander Distillery. With a unique botanical profile of pink peppercorn, elderflower, grapefruit and orange, this gin harmoniously marries with the flavor of Frankie Cadillac’s vermouth to give life to their signature Negroni. Whether enjoyed neat, with your favourite mixer or in a number of cocktails, you will always taste the labour of love and passion put into this versatile spirit. A gin with a personality that fits all crowds and all occasions. A Negroni at Frankie Cadillac - “Home of the Negroni” has never tasted so good!

700 mL 23.2 Standard Drinks ABV: 42%

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